Discover Humanity’s

Join us in exploring the timeless teachings of the great sages, mystics and philosophers.

Universal Brotherhood

The First Object of the original Theosophical Society is “to form the nucleus of a Universal Brotherhood of Humanity without distinction of race, colour, or creed.” Theosophy proposes that Oneness and Interdependence are facts of Nature and that Human Solidarity is a reflection of that fact. Learning to better exemplify our inherent Unity in practice is part of our shared journey.

Human Perfectibility

Theosophy proposes a view of Evolution that includes the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of ourselves. Humanity evolves together over countless ages, but individuals can hasten their mental and spiritual evolution through Self-Devised and Self-Induced Efforts. It is this doctrine that opens the possibility of the existence of more advanced humans—called Adepts and Mahatmas—who aid humanity in our evolution.


One life is far too short to accomplish all that our Souls yearn to do! Theosophy, like nearly all ancient religions and philosophies, embraces the idea of Reincarnation as a necessity for our spiritual evolution. In ancient and modern traditions there is a vast and detailed doctrine about the passage of the Soul—or Reincarnating Ego—from life to life, with many intriguing ideas about after life states and the nature of our consciousness.


Human justice often makes mistakes and fails to reflect the full truth of complex situations. But is there a Universal Justice that never errs? Theosophy, along with many ancient religions and philosophies, proposes that there is. While there is an inherent Harmony in the Universal Soul, we have free will and can deviate from that harmony in thought, word and action. Karma is the name given to that Law which counterbalances the effects of such deviations, thus sustaining Universal Harmony.

Selected Writings

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By November, 1887

There is no more misunderstood or misapplied word than “Medium.” Having been appropriated by the Spiritist, it is as a natural result, today supposed to mean just what he makes it mean. Men take a word, saddle it with a meaning, ride it rough shod on a full gallop […]

The little town of Amboise in Touraine is redolent with memories. There, in the fourth century, Saint Martin, patron of Tours, overthrew an ancient pyramidal temple and established Christianity in that part of France. There too Clovis and Alaric held their famous meeting in 496. The Chateau on the […]


By July, 1939

The Age of the Tyrants, which produced the “Seven Wise Men,” the early Ionian School and the Pythagorean School, ended about 500 B.C. Shortly afterward Greece was invaded by the Persians under Darius and Xerxes, who left Athens in ruins and the Greeks more closely united than ever before. […]

To the question, Does Consciousness Evolve? the Vedanta answers, yes, and no. Personal consciousness evolves, from childhood to maturity, from surface sense-perception to the deeper levels of mental and moral life. But there is also the Divine Consciousness, which is perfect, complete, already embracing all things. We cannot say […]


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